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Dieudonné Gakire was born and raised in Rwanda. One of his dreams is to develop the Dusego Empowerment Hub in the place where he grew up. A place for young and old to meet and learn from and with each other. A community hotspot in the countryside.
Our colleague Martine van Es lives and works in Rwanda for a year and a half. Last week, colleagues Pieterjan van Wijngaarden, Remko Van Oijen and Saskia Tjepkema visited her for a working visit. One of the activities: Supporting Dieudonné in the opening of his hub! With brainstorming about what everyone living in the neighborhood would like to do at that place. And storytelling about everyone's talents to support and encourage each other. After all, a hub is more than a building ... it's a network of people.
Dieudonné made a nice video about this first meeting.