Koen Deblonde


As long as it's about the essence!

For twenty years I worked for the social sector, as director/manager for the middle management of team leaders. Based on this experience, I have developed a special affinity with the role and assignment of managers. In addition, I set up various partnerships with other organisations in the field, collaborated on personnel policy, carried out strategic exercises and guided the organisation through various reforms. During this period, I was already doing consultancy work for similar organisations in Flanders.


Broad context, strong dialogue

My efforts are aimed at creating a context in which special encounters can arise between people. I am at my best in conversation with people and look for what touches them and what helps them to get in motion. 

A strong dialogue and a good insight into the dynamics between people in the broad context are the source of learning and change. It is also my conviction that in every organization and in every individual there is the potential to learn and change in the direction that is needed. This is made possible when you focus on research.


Appreciative research

That's why I like to work from the principles of Appreciative Inquiry. By investigating together in an appreciative way, you start from shared ownership and a high level of involvement of the entire system. Individual interests and shared interests can meet each other. From Appreciative Inquiry, we look for the best that is possible, which creates space to eliminate obstructive beliefs and thinking in terms of limitations.

Working with individuals, teams, executives and organizations

I prefer to work on different kinds of issues. I supervise teams and individuals who want to grow and excel, or just get stuck in a conflict. In my work I attach great importance to the development of personal leadership. I like to do interventions with large groups (large group interventions). I pay particular attention to talent development and supporting managers in their role in teams and organisations.


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